Category: Events


European Heritage Days 2021

Besides the Techno Parade happening this weekend, there is also Heritage Days! I like heritage days. It’s the one time of year where certain institutions you may never get to see the inside of, open their...

The Techno Parade

From 12-7p this Saturday the Techno Parade will commence again. It was cancelled earlier in the year, and the date was postponed to the 18th. I completely forgot about it. To be fair I’ve never...

The Techno Parade

From 12-7p this Saturday the Techno Parade will commence again. It was cancelled earlier in the year, and the date was postponed to the 18th. I completely forgot about it. To be fair I’ve never...
Events, French Culture, Rentrée

La Rentrée

You’ll Start Seeing This Again I hope everyone enjoyed their socially distanced summer vacations and is ready for Fall. I love Fall so I’m always happy for it to come around. I genuinely look forward...
Events, French Culture, Rentrée

La Rentrée

You’ll Start Seeing This Again I hope everyone enjoyed their socially distanced summer vacations and is ready for Fall. I love Fall so I’m always happy for it to come around. I genuinely look forward...

Endless Marathons

I never brought this up even though it’s a pretty normal occurrence in Paris, because truth be told, I hate running, I don’t pay attention to events regarding it, and I really only thought of...

Endless Marathons

I never brought this up even though it’s a pretty normal occurrence in Paris, because truth be told, I hate running, I don’t pay attention to events regarding it, and I really only thought of...